Founded by researcher Elizabeth Jewett, PhD and professional dancer Kate Jewett, Moving Minds fuses dance and critical thinking to reshape collaboration and communication on your team.


Elizabeth Jewett PhD, Founder

Teacher, research and learning designer Elizabeth Jewett is a co-creator of Moving Minds. She holds a PhD in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University with a concentration in Cognitive Development and Problem-Based Learning. As an educator and researcher with diverse professional and personal experience Elizabeth is interested in understanding how skills and concepts that can not be directly taught develop, the differences between formal and informal learning and the role social interaction plays in the culmination of skills and knowledge. Elizabeth’s work explores what learning looks like when it is designed to improve our ability to identify the right questions, look inward, and work together to solve problems and create new realities.


Kate Jewett, Founder

Kate began her career as an understudy in the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. For over a decade she has been a company member of Shen Wei Dance Arts as well as rehearsal director, director of education and curriculum developer, company teacher, archivist, and stager. In her experiences teaching dance students and performing around the world, she was inspired by how groups connect through collaborative and choreographic processes. She is a certified social and emotional learning facilitator and a trauma-informed yoga teacher.


Our Team


Cecily Campbell
Dancer & Teacher

Evan Copeland
Dancer & Teacher

Kaito Chika
Partnership Manager

Jessica Harris
Dancer & Teacher

Juliana Mann
Business Development

Kana Sato
Dancer & Teacher

Jamie Scott
Dancer & Teacher

Michael Wright
Dancer & Teacher